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MessenPass 1.35 中文版

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* MSN Messenger
* Windows Messenger (In Windows XP)
* Windows Live Messenger (In Windows XP And Vista)
* Yahoo Messenger (Versions 5.x and 6.x)
* Google Talk
* ICQ Lite 4.x/5.x/2003
* AOL Instant Messenger v4.6 or below, AIM 6.x, and AIM Pro.
* Trillian
* Miranda
* GAIM/Pidgin
* MySpace IM
* PaltalkScene
* Digsby

[2008.10.03] 防毒軟體誤判問題已改善

MessenPass is a password recovery tool that reveals the passwords of instant messenger applications.

# Version 1.35 – Added ‘Password Strength’ column, which calculates the strength of the password and displays it as Very Weak, Weak, Medium, Strong, or Very Strong.

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