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MyUninstaller 1.70 免安裝中文版

超級輕薄短小的「新增或移除程式」工具 — MyUninstaller,讓你不用再去用「控制台」裡面那個微軟寫了二十幾年都還寫不好的大怪物來移除程式,它的開啟速度超快,沒有BUG!阿榮用了六、七年也不厭倦!在Windows XP、Windows 2000跟Vista使用,都不會有任何問題!(阿榮

[2009.06.25] 上次更新:2008/7/28,新增是否顯示Windows更新的選項。

MyUninstaller is an alternative utility to the standard Add/Remove applet of Windows operating system. It displays the list of all installed application, and allows you to uninstall an application, delete an uninstall entry, and save the list of all installed applications into a text file or HTML file.
MyUninstaller also provides additional information for most installed applications that the standard Add/Remove applet doesn’t display: product name, company, version, uninstall string, installation folder and more.

2010/11/21 (1.70)
* Added new command-line options to uninstall a software: /uninstall , /quninstall , and /change

中文化作者:發夢 King
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