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WifiInfoView 1.36 免安裝中文版 – 偵測無線網路訊號強度的軟體

無線網路基地台訊號強度偵測軟體 – WifiInfoView,能夠偵測周遭的無線網路基地台相關資訊,包括SSID、MAC位址、訊號類型、訊號強度、頻率、頻道、製造商…等訊息,不管是要偵測無線訊號強弱,或者是要檢測頻道是否相衝,這個軟體都可以派上用場!(阿榮)(下載

WifiInfoView scans the wireless networks in your area and displays extensive information about them, including: Network Name (SSID), MAC Address, PHY Type (802.11g or 802.11n), RSSI, Signal Quality, Frequency, Channel Number, Maximum Speed, Company Name, Router Model and Router Name (Only for routers that provides this information), and more…
When you select a wireless network in the upper pane of this tool, the lower pane displays the Wi-Fi information elements received from this device, in hexadecimal format.
WifiInfoView also has a summary mode, which displays a summary of all detected wireless networks, grouped by channel number, company that manufactured the router, PHY type, or the maximum speed.

※此軟體支援Windows Vista/7/2008 (32/64位元),因為Wi-Fi API的關係不支援Windows XP,請改用「WirelessNetView」。

下載連結→ [按此下載免安裝版]

Source: azofreeware.com
