今晚9點開始「Pokemon新作發佈會Pokémon Presents」   全球首個以電子競技為題材的「電競數碼藝術展」隆重開幕   【後篇】「SEGA・Atlus TGS2020 ONLINE cosplay大賽」的出場coser「猫宮のえる」特集!   日本TechnoBlood將舉辦30vs30vs30的PUBG大賽「TechnoBlood 活動比賽」。開始接受報名。   蜘蛛俠遊戲新作Marvel’s Spider-Man Miles Morales將登上PS5平台   讓手機變掌機!「Razer Kishi」手遊控制器開賣!   日本影音直播平台「Mildom」禁止放送任天堂版權遊戲之相關影片   佩里克島搶劫:12月15日於GTA線上模式隆重登場 

Gmail users +43%

Gmail is still in beta after many years and grew 43% in 2008. AOL mail and Hotmail need to start worrying. You definitely can tell hotmail is gradually dropping and a lot more people are using Gmail now.

Gmail users: 29.6 million (+43%)
Yahoo users: 91.9 million (+11%)
AOL users: 46.6 million (0%)
Hotmail users: 43.5 million (-5%)
