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Sound Lock 1.3.2 免安裝版 – 電腦音量鎖 限制每個聲道的最大音量

電腦音量鎖 – Sound Lock,把每個聲道的最大音量設定在一個極限,開啟後會有一條紅線,那就是音量的最大值,可以上下拖拉來調整高低,最高可以支援14個聲道的控制,按「ON」可以套用,按「OFF」取消,雖然不能將影片的音量標準化,但卻可以限制最大音量,這樣同時播放多個檔案,或者網頁背景音樂突然很大聲時,都會受到它的控制而只能到達一定的音量,才不會被突如其來的超大音量給嚇到!(阿榮)(廖柯南推薦)(下載

官方網站:3 APPES ltd.
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/2008(32及64位元)

Sound Lock allows you to limit the volume of your playback by detecting the loudness and lowering it to the level you have set. So you no longer have to bother with the loud action scenes and sound volume going through the roof. Sound Lock adjusts the system volume per channel (up to 14 channels) and generates a smooth sound output by lowering the volume during loud scenes. It therefore enables you to watch movies without having to adjust the volume manually every time it increases over the level of your comfort.
The application allows you to easily set the sound output limit by dragging the bar to the desired level.


※注意:此程式不支援Windows XP!(2013.11.11)

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免安裝版 [1.3.2] 安裝版 [1.3.2]

Source: azofreeware.com
