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維也納2022年6月27日 /美通社/ — 歐佩克基金 (OPEC Fund) 本週在維也納舉行發展論壇,參加的發展合作夥伴表明作出新的財務支援承諾,並簽署合作協議,顯示決心解決緊急的全球挑戰。

OPEC Fund and the Republic of Kosovo signed the “Framework Agreement for Private Sector Operations.” Pictured from left to right: Tareq Alnassar, Assistant Director-General, Private Sector & Trade Finance Operations; Hekuran Murati, Minister of Finance, Labor and Transfers of the Republic of Kosovo; Dr. Abdulhamid Alkhalifa, OPEC Fund Director-General; Violet Onyemenam, General Counsel OPEC Fund.


歐佩克基金總幹事 Alkhalifa 博士說:「這些新承諾和簽署是我們的聲明,表示合作面對前所未有的挑戰。我們的活動其中一個重點是在氣候變化、能源獲取和糧食供應等領域,我們需要緊急、有目標和聯合的行動。論壇的成功和積極動力令我們非常鼓舞,是推動快速和有力地前進的能量。」

歐佩克基金發展論壇 Driving Resilience & Equity(推動復原力與公平)匯集政府領導人、歐佩克基金成員和合作夥伴國家的部長、Arab Coordination Group(阿拉伯協調小組)機構主管、多邊發展銀行和國際組織的高級官員以及私營界別代表。活動包括 Climate Challenges vs Energy Needs – Development Perspectives(氣候挑戰與能源需求發展觀點)、Innovations that Enable a Smart Energy Future(創新可實現智能能源的未來)和 Turning Public Ambition into Effective Action(將公眾雄心轉化為有效行動)」的研討會,並以 South-South Co-ownership in Development Progress(南方共同擁有發展進程)議題結束。

2023 年歐佩克基金發展論壇的日期即將公佈。


歐佩克國際發展基金(簡稱「歐佩克基金」)是唯一全球性授權的發展機構,專門從成員國向非成員國提供資金。該組織與發展中國家夥伴和國際發展界合作,以促進全球低收入國家的經濟增長和社會進步。歐佩克基金由歐佩克成員國於 1976 年設立,其獨特目的是:促進發展、加強社區和人民賦能。我們的工作以人為本,專注於滿足基本需求的項目融資,例如食品、能源、基礎設施、就業(特別是與中小微企業相關)、清潔水和衛生設施,醫療保健和教育。迄今為止,歐佩克基金已為超過 125 個國家/地區的發展項目承諾投入超過 220 億美元的資金,估計項目總成本為 1,870 億美元。歐佩克基金 2021 年獲評級機構惠譽評為 AA+/展望穩定,獲標準普爾評為 AA/展望正面。我們的願景是實現全球可持續發展。

The Asian Development Bank and the OPEC Fund launched a trust fund to improve project readiness in developing countries. Pictured from left to right: Ahmed M. Saeed, ADB Vice-President for the East Asia Department, the Southeast Asia Department, and the Pacific Department; Eugene Zhukov ADB Director General for Central and West Asia; Dr. Abdulhamid Alkhalifa, OPEC Fund Director-General; Violet Onyemenam, General Counsel OPEC Fund.


The OPEC Fund and the regional South American development bank FONPLATA. Pictured from left to right: Mr. Juan Enrique Notaro Fraga, Executive President FONPLATA; Dr. Abdulhamid Alkhalifa, OPEC Fund Director-General.


The OPEC Fund, UNCDF & SEforALL announce the launch of a Climate Finance and Energy Innovation Hub at the OPEC Fund Dev Forum. Pictured from left to right: Shaimaa Al-Sheiby, OPEC Fund Senior Director, Strategic Planning & Economic Services; Damilola Ogunbiyi, CEO of SEforALL; Preeti Sinha, Executive Secretary UNCDF; Lerato Mbele, Journalist.


International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the OPEC Fund signed a Memorandum of Understanding. Pictured from left to right: Francesco La Camera, IRENA Director-General; Dr. Abdulhamid Alkhalifa, OPEC Fund Director-General.


OPEC Fund Development Forum, Hofburg, Vienna.



