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StreamTransport 免安裝版

FLV影片下載程式–StreamTransport,邊看就能邊下載,先將影音網站的網址貼上它的網址列後,按下〔Start〕開始瀏覽網站,一旦你播放網站中的影片時(注意:一定要播放才會自動擷取),影片的網址就會被自動擷取於下方窗格,按下〔Download〕將影片下載回來到「我的文件」→「StreamTransport」資料夾,〔Show Tasks〕按鈕可以查看下載中的任務,操作起來相當方便。(阿榮)(

[2010.06.16] 感謝讀者「麻吉貓咪」通知改版訊息。

# Widely support for overwhelming online videos
The app is able to browse and download video clips from video hosting websites of HTTP, RTMP, RTMPT, RTMPE, RTMPTE protocol, and these cover overwhelming majority of websites such as Hulu, Veoh, Boxee, Joost, YouTube, Yahoo Video, CBS, etc.
# Capture URL automatically
The URL of any video clip that is playing will be auto-captured and listed out for your convenience, and you can download it with one click or just ignore it. There is no bother to add URL manually.


下載連結→ [Megaupload] [Xuite] [sendspace]

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