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mp3DirectCut 2.12 免安裝中文版



[2010.06.07] 上次更新:2009/4/12。

mp3DirectCut is a fast and extensive audio editor and recorder for compressed mp3. You can directly cut, copy, paste or change the volume with no need to decompress your files for audio editing. This saves encoding time and preserves the original quality, because nothing will be re-encoded. The built in recorder creates mp3 on the fly from your audio input. Using Cue sheets, pause detection or Auto cue you can easily divide long files.

* Non-destructive cut, copy, paste
* Volume change, fade, normalize, pause detection
* mp3 recording with ACM or Lame encoder
* Fast mp3 visualisation and easy navigation
* Supports Layer 2 (dvd/dvb audio)
* ID3v1.1 tag editor · ID3v2 tag keeping
* Cue Sheet support
* Auto cue (track dividing by time values)
* Track splitting with filename and tag creation
* Trim · Crop · Fast play · Loop play
* VU meter, bitrate visualisation
* High speed recorder · Command line usage
* View screenshots
