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xplorer² lite 免安裝中文版

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xplorer2 lite是雙視窗的「檔案總管」取代工具,搬移檔案的時候比暈倒XP內建的檔案總管好用多了!(阿榮)(

[2010.04.20] 上次更新:2009/7/2。

All the shell goodies from windows explorer — none of the hassle! Plus all the features you would expect from a powerful tabbed dual-pane file manager, including Omni-Finder, a find files module that simply outclasses all known search tools. Don’t take our word for it, seeing is believing!

xplorer² is a file and information manager that adheres to the philosophy “efficiency through simplicity”. Without reinventing the wheel, it integrates the best features of Windows’ shell architecture in a small, resource efficient package that’s instantly familiar to work with. But look a little closer and you’ll discover a whole new world under the surface that offers power, precision and flexibility, and will boost your everyday productivity no end!


[] 3 Aug 10 —————-
* a few translations updated (Russian)
* editor?gets Edit > Insert tag menu command for HTML/XML tags)

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