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File & Image Uploader 5.7.0 中文免安裝版

免費空間上傳工具 – File and Image Uploader,可以將你想分享的檔案上傳到超過250個免費空間,其上傳速度會比網頁或者原始上傳工具來得要快!對於純粹想提供多個下載點的人來說是相當方便;不過免費版在使用上仍有一些限制:無法將檔案上傳到自己帳號、一天只能上傳10GB、一次最多同時上傳8個檔案、或許上傳會有速限,若對作者捐款就可以收到註冊碼來解除某些限制。(阿榮

[2010.09.12] 感謝讀者「ctwm」通知改版訊息。

Try the newest program for uploading files.
* The most comprehensive and the best program of its kind
* Supports more than 250 servers (Czech and international)
* Possibility to use premium accounts
* Possibility of parallel uploading
* Usually much faster then uploading via browser or original file-upload tool
* No ads*, easy to use, multi-language environment
* Technical assistance (possibility to add functions, servers at the request)

關鍵字:z_o_o_m´s File & Image Uploader,z_o_o_m’s File Uploader

※中文切換方法:【Language】→【Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)】

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