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TechNow Invitation for 2013 Hong Kong International CRE & Innovation Expo & CRE & CSQS Leadership Summit, June 13-14


As a privileged member of TechNow, your members can enjoy exclusively the special benefits as an Delegate and Exhibitor with opportunity to be a panelist with below options:


A.          Joining HKCSC Associate Membership at HKD3,800 and recieve a Free Display Table at our Expo Plus Privileged Membership Benefits


B.          Registration as Exhibitor by 8th of June, you could also enjoy 20% early-bird discount (HKD2400 less) including the CRE & CSQS Leadership Summit Pass and a Table plus Demonstration Timeslot at our Expo!


Please kindly download the HK International CRE & Innovation Expo below for registration.

