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Wise Registry Cleaner 7.88 免安裝中文版 – 登錄檔清理重組系統最佳化軟體

簡單實用的電腦登錄檔清理工具 – Wise Registry Cleaner,是否覺得電腦跑得比以前還慢呢?有可能是因為登錄檔的垃圾所導致,這套軟體可以執行登錄檔的掃描及清理,清理前預設還會自動備份登錄檔,還有一鍵系統最佳化、登錄檔重組功能,重組之後還可以列出重組後的大小供你比對。(阿榮)(下載

Microsoft Windows 7 (32bit, 64bit), Windows Vista (32bit, 64bit), Windows 2008 Server, Windows XP (32-bit and 64-bit), Windows 2000, Windows 2003

Have you realized that your computer run more and more slowly? Have you ever thought it is because the registry in your computer has junked up? Please don’t worry! Wise Registry Cleaner are experted atspeeding your PC by repairing registry errors and defragmenting the Registry.


下載連結→ [按此下載免安裝版]

免安裝版 [7.88] [7.86] [7.85] [7.84] [7.83] [7.82] [7.73] [7.72] [7.71] [7.69] [7.68] [7.67] [7.66]
安裝版 [7.88] [7.86] [7.85] [7.84] [7.83] [7.82] [7.73] [7.72] [7.71] [7.69] [7.68] [7.67] [7.66]

Source: azofreeware.com
