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TagScanner 5.1.643 免安裝中文版 – 多功能MP3標籤編輯軟體

多功能MP3標籤編輯軟體 – TagScanner,不只可以編輯音樂檔的標籤,還可以利用標籤或串流的資訊將檔案重新命名,依照檔名自動產生標籤,在檔名和標籤之間執行文字的轉換,可以從線上的音樂資料庫(freedb、Amazon、Discogs)取得專輯及封面資訊,標籤格式支援:ID3v1、ID3v2、Vorbis comments、APEv2、WindowsMedia、MP4(iTunes),內建音樂播放器、播放清單產出功能。(阿榮)(李怡慧推薦)(下載

官方網站:Sergey Serkov
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/2003/2008(32及64位元)

TagScanner Portable is a multifunction program for organizing and managing your music collection. It can edit tags of common audio formats, rename files based on the tag and stream information, generate tag information from filenames, and perform any transformations of the text from tags and filenames. Also you may get album info and covers via online databases like freedb, Amazon or Discogs. Supports ID3v1, ID3v2, Vorbis comments, APEv2, WindowsMedia and MP4(iTunes) tags. Powerful TAG editor with batch functions and special features. Playlists maker with ability to export playlists to HTML or Excel. Easy-to-use multilanguage interface. Built-in player.


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Source: azofreeware.com
