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Poedit 1.6.3 中文版 – 中文化工具軟體

中文化工具軟體 – Poedit,這是被許多軟體作者所採用的多國語系翻譯工具,藉由作者提供的PO檔(*.po),翻譯後會產出MO檔(*.mo),採用這套自由軟體的作者應該不少,已知就有WordPressVDownloader。(阿榮)(下載

[2013.07.26] 感謝讀者「Secret」通知改版訊息。
[2013.12.25] 推出付費的Poedit Pro,輸入序號後直接升級。(版本比較

Poedit is cross-platform gettext catalogs (.po files) editor. It is built with wxWidgets toolkit and can run on any platform supported by it (although it was only tested on Unix with GTK+ and Windows). It aims to provide more convenient approach to editing catalogs than launching vi and editing the file by hand.

下載連結→ [按此下載中文安裝版]

安裝版 [1.6.3] [1.5.7] [1.5]

Source: azofreeware.com
