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FBCacheView 1.02 免安裝版 – Facebook暫存快取圖片檢視器

Facebook暫存快取圖片檢視器 – FBCacheView,凡走過必留下痕跡,可以掃描Internet Explorer、Firefox、Chrome瀏覽器(掃描前要先關閉瀏覽器),抓出臉書瀏覽過的圖片,列出圖片的時間、被瀏覽的時間、圖片的網址…等資訊。(阿榮)(下載

官方網站:Nir Sofer
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

FBCacheView is a simple tool that scans the cache of your Web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Chrome), and lists all images displayed in Facebook pages that you previously visited, including profile pictures, images uploaded to Facebook, and images taken from other Web sites. For every Facebook image, the following information is displayed: URL of the image, Web browser that was used to visit the page, image type, date/time of the image, visit time, image file size, and external URL (For images taken from another Web site).


下載連結→ [按此下載免安裝版]

Source: azofreeware.com
