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CountryTraceRoute 1.21 免安裝中文版 – 圖形介面的TraceRoute工具

網路管理工具 – CountryTraceRoute,以圖形化介面取代「tracert」指令,只要輸入網址或IP,就可以查詢由本機電腦出發所經過的路由器IP位址、反應時間,此工具還會顯示IP所在的國家,可以將結果匯出為HTML格式,通常被用來診斷網站連線的問題。(阿榮)(下載

[2013.04.10] 1.16版新增繁體中文語系。

CountryTraceRoute is a Traceroute utility, similar to the tracert tool of Windows, but with graphical user interface, and it’s also much faster than tracert of Windows. CountryTraceRoute also displays the country of the owner of every IP address found in the Traceroute.

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中文版 [1.21] [1.20] [1.16]
英文版 [1.10]

Source: azofreeware.com
