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Bash 執行「字串命令」的方法

Linux 的 Bash shell 裡面,若有一個字串需要執行,可以怎麼做呢?

Bash 執行「字串命令」的方法

Bash shell 要將此字串當 Shell 命令執行,可以有下述兩種作法:

  1. eval
  2. bash -c
    • If the -c option is present, then commands are read from the first non-option argument command_string.
    • If there are arguments after the command_string, the first argument is assigned to $0 and any remaining arguments are assigned to the positional parameters.
    • The assignment to $0 sets the name of the shell, which is used in warning and error messages.


  1. eval “cd /; ls” # 執行完,帳號會在 / 的路徑上
  2. bash -c “cd /; ls” # 執行完,帳號還是在原始位置
  3. source
