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RapidTyping 3.3 免安裝中文版


[2008.11.23] 更新為阿榮牌免安裝中文版,感謝Rob提供中文化。
[2009.01.02] 2.5版軟體介面語系顯示有問題,暫不更新。
[2009.03.31] 2.8版起官網已修正中文顯示的問題。

Learn how to use your keyboard in a fun and entertaining way for absolutely free. RapidTyping Typing Tutor is designed to teach adults and kids to use their computer keyboard more efficiently than ever. Learning to type is fun with the typing game included with RapidTyping, while its extensive training statistics and customized lessons are rarely seen in the much more expensive products.

關鍵字:英打學習,英打練習,portable rapidtyping,rapid typing,rapid typing tutor

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