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EssentialPIM Free 3.74 免安裝中文版

EssentialPIM–可攜式行事曆軟體,如果用不慣好用的線上版Google Calendar,又嫌棄Rainlendar太陽春!那麼這一套的實用性應該更強一些!擁有更多元的匯入/匯出功能,除了必備的 *.ics 支援外,連通訊錄都可以拿來玩(CSV、WAB、VCF 檔),還有網頁輸出功能,軟體功能有:今日EPIM、行事曆、待辦表、記事本、通訊錄。(阿榮

[2009.05.21] 上次更新:2008/10/31。
[2009.05.22] 繁體中文化進度落後,3.01版已被摘除。
[2009.07.12] 3.04版,繁體中文語系回來啦!

What is EssentialPIM(EssentialPIM Free Portable)?
PIM stands for Personal Information Manager, and it allows you to keep all your information in electronic form. All your appointments, tasks, to do lists, notes, contacts and email messages are stored in a graphical and easily accessible form.

New in EssentialPIM 3.74 (Pro & Free)

Oct. 5, 2010

* Added: Add as Child and Add as Sibling shortcuts in Notes
* Fixed: Problem with email messages showing AVG signatures
* Fixed: Disappearing ampersand (&) when editing appointments
* Fixed: Issues with automatic sorting in Notes
* Fixed: Two-columns sorting in To Do
* Fixed: Incorrect printing of filtered to dos
* Fixed: Assignee field in To Do when only company name is used
* Fixed: Printing issues with colored to do backgrounds in EPIM Today
* Fixed: TAB key behavior for tables in Notes
* Fixed: “Is not a valid integer value” error when opening a database
* Fixed: Issues with editing hyperlinks directly from the table in Contacts
* Fixed: IMAP errors with postoffice.net mail servers
* Fixed: Disappearing scroll bar in Free version for To Do section in EPIM Today
* Fixed: All known issues related to using EssentialPIM on localized Asian Windows versions
* Fixed: “DB is not open” error during editing of contacts in the lower pane
* Fixed: “Access is denied” error if opening certain types of email attachments in Windows 7

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