PlayStation 5上市銷售擴展至全世界   人類與妖怪的捉迷藏!《妖怪捉迷藏!》將在Nintendo Switch「試玩同樂會」登場!   觀看直播: PlayStation 5線上發佈會,9月17日(星期四)   鬼滅的那位柱將會在碧藍幻想登場!但是「我竟然不是使用角色」?!   和風幻想RPG-陰陽師Onmyoji與熊本熊合作活動第3彈開始了!   大亂鬥SP推出新角色?!「???的使用法」放送決定!   「動物之鬪」追加新角色「搖曳長貓」!   《Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales》照片模式預告片和開發人員秘訣全面披露 

Alexa – New look

Many of us knowing that Alexa is the ranking standard for website since there is not much standard out there.

People complain about how in-accurate of it and advertising agencies do not use the ranking for reference either. It makes perfectly sense. Today I go to alexa again and realize they change the look as well as the calculation mechanism I think. It is closer to the country visits from my google analytics so I suppose people and agencies could reference from Alexa a little more now.

TechNow alexa –
