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IPNetInfo 1.27 免安裝中文版

IP訊息查詢工具–IPNetInfo,輸入一個或貼上數個IP,它就會自動連上WHOIS伺服器去查詢,回報的資訊包括:IP所有者、IP位址範圍、聯絡人訊息…等等,甚至你把郵件的表頭複製貼上,它還會自動去一堆文字中判斷哪些是IP,或者是自動把網域名稱自動轉成IP去解析(要勾選將主機名稱轉換為 IP 位址的功能),來作進一步的查詢。(阿榮

IPNetInfo is a small utility that allows you to easily find all available information about an IP address: The owner of the IP address, the country/state name, IP addresses range, contact information (address, phone, fax, and email), and more.
This utility can be very useful for finding the origin of unsolicited mail. You can simply copy the message headers from your email software and paste them into IPNetInfo utility. IPNetInfo automatically extracts all IP addresses from the message headers, and displays the information about these IP addresses.

Non-Public IP Addresses
IPNetInfo always ignores the following special IP address blocks, because they are not used as public Internet addresses:

Version 1.27:
* Added Alt+O Accelerator Key (Ok button) on the ‘Choose IP Addresses’ dialog-box.

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