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[系統看門狗] WinPatrol 28.1.2013 免安裝版 (29.0.2013.0 安裝版) – 系統安全防護工具


老牌系統安全防護工具 - WinPatrol, 可以監控系統登錄檔,於軟體安裝時攔截自動啟動的項目,由你來決定是否讓該軟體自動啟動,還可以管理自動啟動的項目(Starup Programs)、延遲啟動(Delayed Start )、管理IE工具列項目(IE Helpers)...等等,付費版有更多功能,可以參考比較表。(阿榮)(下載

You don't have to be doing anything wrong on the Internet to become a casualty of malware. WinPatrol takes snapshot of your critical system resources and alerts you to any changes that may occur without your knowledge. WinPatrol was the pioneer in using a heuristic behavioral approach to detecting Zero-Day attacks and violations of your computing environment. WinPatrol continues to be the most powerful system monitor for its small memory footprint.

下載連結→ [按此下載免安裝版]

免安裝版(WinPatrolToGo) [官方載點] [28.1.2013] [24.3.2012]
安裝版 [官方載點] [29.0.2013.0] [28.9.2013.1] [28.9.2013] [28.6.2013] [27.0.2013]

Source: azofreeware.com


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