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Caesium 1.7.0 免安裝中文版 – 圖片減肥自由軟體


圖片壓縮工具 - Caesium,對於想要加速網頁圖片讀取速度,或者,要上傳到有圖片大小限制的空間都很有幫助,它可以匯入單檔或整個資料夾,選擇壓縮品質後再按壓縮按鈕,就可以幫你的照片減肥,可以輸出JPG、PNG、BMP格式,更可貴的是:它是自由軟體!(阿榮)(下載

[2013.09.04] 感謝讀者「boyce lin」通知改版訊息。

Caesium Portable reduces the size of your picture up to 90%, preserving the original quality. Caesium allows you to save a lot of space and quickly upload your pictures on the web (on sites like Facebook, MySpace etc) saving a lot of time. Also Webmasters for instance need to make sure the images they post on their websites are optimized, to avoid prolonged loading times for their visitors. The software allows you to view instantly the compression results, helping you to decide how much optimization you need. Caesium can set different compression levels to each image, saving a lot of time, ensuring great results!


下載連結→ [按此下載免安裝中文版]

免安裝版 [1.7.0] [1.6.1] [1.4.1]

Source: azofreeware.com

