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Paragon Partition Manager 2014 免費版 – 免重灌電腦調整磁碟大小


調整系統分割區大小的免費工具–Partition Manager Free Edition,跟EASEUS Partition Manager Home Edition相同功能的軟體,但是它可以製作開機光碟(不可以直接產出ISO檔),可以從分割區中再建立一個分割區,不過,開機光碟僅有調整系統分割區大小的功能,有點美中不足!(與付費版的比較)(阿榮)(下載

[2009.08.11] 上次更新:2008/11/26。

Paragon Partition Manager Express is a useful tool that will help you better organize your hard disk and redistribute the free space according to your needs.

Paragon Partition Manager Express is a product that will help you efficiently re-partition your hard disk. A highly intelligent program engine together with built-in advanced recovery facilities make it possible to securely carry out such partitioning operations as create, format, resize, or move without fear to lose precious data.

NOTE: Free for personal, non-commercial use only.(Softpedia)

關鍵字:Paragon Partition Manager Express

※支援64位元Windows 7 !安裝前需先申請免費序號,可按此取得。

下載連結→ [按此下載安裝版]

安裝版 [2014] [2013] [12.0]

Source: azofreeware.com


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