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FastStone Capture 5.3 免安裝中文版 (7.6 英文版) – 免費螢幕抓圖軟體

FastStone Capture是一套小巧的螢幕擷取程式,它最與眾不同的地方是:可以擷取不規則區域、有螢幕挑色工具、自動捲動功能可以把網頁擷取(轉成)圖片,內建簡易編輯器,圖片的剪裁、縮放、加文字、標示箭頭…等基本功能都有了!釋出時曾經是免費軟體,目前則已改為付費軟體。()(阿榮)(下載

C:Documents and SettingsAdministratorApplication DataFastStoneFSCfsc.db

[2007.05.15] 2007.05.15 釋出 5.4 版,已改為付費軟體,試用三十天。
[2008.05.27] 新增 FastStone Capture 5.3 中文版。

FastStone Capture is a powerful, lightweight, yet full-featured screen capture tool that allows you to easily capture and annotate anything on the screen including windows, objects, menus, full screen, rectangular/freehand regions and even scrolling windows/web pages. You can choose to send captures to editor, file, clipboard, printer, email, Word/PowerPoint document or upload them to your website. Editing tools include annotating (texts, arrowed lines, highlights), resizing, cropping, sharpening, watermarking, applying edge effects and many more. It also allows you to record screen activities and sound into highly compressed video files. Other features include global hotkeys, automatic filename generation, support for external editors, a color picker, a screen magnifier and a screen ruler.

FastStone Capture saves files in BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX, PNG, TGA, TIFF and PDF formats.


[官方載點 – 英文版]


下載連結→ [按此下載免安裝中文版]

英文付費版(試用30天)- 免安裝版 [7.6]
英文付費版(試用30天)- 安裝版 [7.6]
v5.3 免費版 – 免安裝版 [中文版] [英文版]

Source: azofreeware.com
