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WhoIsConnectedSniffer 1.07 – 監控並記錄誰連上你的電腦

監控並記錄誰連上你的電腦 – WhoIsConnectedSniffer,在公司內部想要知道有誰透過網路來存取你的電腦嗎?此軟體可以記錄下連線的IP、網卡MAC位址、電腦名稱、作業系統、使用的通訊協定、第一次偵測到的時間、最後一次偵測到的時間…等實用訊息,就連Ping一下也會被記錄下來。(阿榮)(下載

官方網站:Nir Sofer
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/2000(32及64位元)

WhoIsConnectedSniffer is a network discovery tool that listens to network packets on your network adapter using a capture driver (WinpCap or MS network monitor) and accumulates a list of computer and devices currently connected to your network. WhoIsConnectedSniffer uses various protocols to detect the computers connected to your network, including ARP, UDP, DHCP, mDNS, and BROWSER.
For every detected computer or device, the following information is displayed: (Some of the fields might be empty if the information cannot be found inside the packets) IP Address, MAC Address, name of the device/computer, description, Operating System, Network Adapter Company, IPv6 Address.


下載連結→ [按此下載免安裝中文版]

Source: azofreeware.com
