「乃木坂46×荒野行動」舉行合作活動!會推出秋元康製作的新曲並在遊戲內獻唱!   「生死格鬥6」追加新角色!「DOAXVV」的性感大姊「Tamaki」參戰!   DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation 最大免費70連抽卡 三週年水着登場!   《Demon’s Souls》各具特色的頭目們:製作團隊細說他們最愛的駭人敵手   成為《Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales》中的Superstar超級英雄   工藝世界的重量級配樂——《Sackboy: A Big Adventure》音樂   PS4版「Minecraft」預計在9月中更新支援PS VR!   PlayStation 5周邊大公開!從耳機到遙控器一應俱全! 

Daemon is coming!!

Daemon is coming!!

It is a Chinese beloved shopping area where the a lot of figures from a cartoon series exhibited, it is too cruel to me when the Chinese tourists take photos there, because just 20 meters away, you would find millions Chinese dead by the government torture.

(Remark : I love this cartoon character if it is not there)

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