日本影音直播平台「Mildom」禁止放送任天堂版權遊戲之相關影片   自帶電暖功能 伊織萌代言Bauhutte廢人家居服出了新版本!   全球首個以電子競技為題材的「電競數碼藝術展」隆重開幕   「可以背著的電競電腦」ZOTAC背囊型PC的升級版「VR GO 3.0」!   「生死格鬥6」追加新角色!「DOAXVV」的性感大姊「Tamaki」參戰!   有線無線大對決!實測Logicool的電競耳機「PRO X」「PRO X Wireless」!   《No Man’s Sky》最新更新版《Origins》情報公開   Nintendo Switch的Joy-Con即將降價! 

Create a free website with sauropol.com

sauropol.com is a website which provide free website creation service with AJAX interface. It has around 20 website templates which should cover the basic needs. But after using wordpress for many years, this looks a bit too simple and not extendable.

I have created a technow site using their service and it only takes couple of minutes to make it up running which is not bad. Here is the link – http://technow.sauropol.com/

They also offer a service for you to buy or transfer domain to that site which is pretty much the same like google blogger. This is nothing special but if you want to try something new, have a go with it.
