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Easy Image Modifier 3.0 免安裝中文版

Easy Image Modifier–大量修改圖片大小的工具,一次把大量的圖片拖放到〔drop images here〕按鈕,點「shrink」填入寬度x高度,或者,點「percent」輸入百分比,按一下原本拖放圖片的大按鈕,就可以將圖片「縮放」成你想要的尺寸,轉出來的檔案預設儲存位置是「modified」資料夾。(阿榮

[2010.06.26] 2.0 版起內建中文語系。

* modify multiple images just with one single click
* rename and sort in various ways
* shrink and/or enlarge the resolution to a dimension or by a percentage
* change the orientation: flip or rotate the images
* optional changing of the file format
* extra options for jpg files: remove meta infos, set compression
* advanced resize options: ignore a dimension, resize unproportional
* rename & replace or save at a self-chosen location
* multilingualism: English, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Swedish and Romanian
* resource-conserving: it has a very small file size and is portable


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