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WordPress 3.1 beta 1 版本发布

WordPress 3.0.1版本发布已有一段时间了,本来听到的消息3.0.1的下一个版本WordPress 3.1版本是在12月1日发布的,但是计划赶不上变化,WordPress 官方在11月的最后一个礼拜发布了WordPress 3.1 beta 1 版本,不过WP官方特别强调了并不建议博主立即升级WP到3.1 beta 1,而是先测试下。

WordPress 官方博客消息部分原文:

It’s that time in the release cycle again, when all the features are basically done, and we’re just squashing bugs. To the brave of heart and giving of soul: Won’t you help us test the new version of WordPress? As always, this is software still in development and we don’t recommend that you run it on your normal live site — set up a test site just to play with the new version. If you break it (find a bug), report it, and if you’re a developer, try to help us fix it. (Especially you U.S. types who are taking a long weekend for Thanksgiving! )

If all goes well, we hope to release WordPress 3.1 to the world at large by the end of the year, though that is (as always) subject to change/dependent on how the beta period goes. The more help we get with testing and fixing bugs, the sooner we will be able to release the final version.


在第二段的第一句中,根据意思官方希望在年底发布WordPress 3.1的正式版本。不过看到”If all goes well”,貌似会有点难度~~

WordPress 3.1 beta 1更新内容:


WordPress 3.1 Beta 1


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