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Samsung 意外地確認 Nexus Prime 是由他們生產?

雖然 Google 宣佈了收購 Motorola 的計劃,不過這不代表以為 Nexus 系列的手機將會由 Motorola 所生產。早有傳聞 Google 將會在感恩節前後推出下一代的 Nexus 手機以抗衡 Apple 的 iPhone 5,而日前這部 Nexus 4G / Nexus Prime 又被 Samsung 高管確認。這是一個意外吧!

To: xxxxxxxxx

It has come to our attention that you are wrongfully in possession of, and intend to release or otherwise publicly disclose without Samsung’s consent, firmware for the Nexus Prime. By this letter, Samsung orders you to immediate cease, desist, and refrain from any and all such activities.

The Nexus Prime firmware is the exclusive property of Samsung and/or its partners, suppliers and affiliates. Any continued retention, use, or disclosure of Nexus Prime firmware, and/or Samsung’s confidential, proprietary, and trade secret information pertaining to Nexus Prime, will expose you to significant liability, both civil and potentially criminal.
Samsung expects your immediate compliance with the terms of this letter. You are instructed to contact my office immediately to discuss the return of Nexus Prime data in your possession and other remedial action. Samsung reserves all rights.

By this letter, you are also put on notice of your obligation not to alter, modify, delete, erase, or destroy, or cause or permit anyone else to alter, modify, delete, erase, or destroy, any evidence pertaining to the subject matter of this letter.
Thank you for immediate cooperation.

General Counsel
Samsung Telecommunications America, LLC.

根據傳聞,Nexus Prime (GT-I9250) 將會具有一個 4 吋以上的屏幕、Samsung Super AMOLED HD 屏幕及最新的 Samsung Exynos 雙核心處理器。當然,Nexus Prime 的另一個推出的目的是展示來自 Google 的全新 Android 系統 – Google Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich 吧!


