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FileZilla Portable 3.3.4 免安裝中文版

[下載教學] [全球一動4G隨身分享器]


[2007.10.11] 發現 3.0 版有問題,明明 Server 端建立的是最高權限的帳號,下載時卻說找不到目錄!爛掉了!建議下載舊版。
[2007.10.19] 之前發現的「找不到目錄」問題已解決!
[2007.11.29] 2.x 版的優點:可以顯示檔案目前所佔的總空間及檔案數!(
[2008.07.06] 版釋出,可喜可賀!3.x 版不再丁丁了!終於繼承了 2.x 版的「顯示檔案目前所佔的總空間及檔案數」、「軟體標題列顯示登入的主機」這兩項功能,還可以直接把 2.x 的站台設定(FileZilla.xml)直接匯入。
[2008.12.21] 改包真正綠色版的FileZilla Portable

FileZilla Client is a fast and reliable cross-platform FTP, FTPS and SFTP client with lots of useful features and an intuitive interface.

Among others, the features of FileZilla include the following:
* Easy to use
* Supports FTP, FTP over SSL/TLS (FTPS) and SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
* Cross-platform. Runs on Windows, Linux, *BSD, OSX and more
* Available in many languages
* Supports resume and transfer of large files >4GB
* Powerful Site Manager and transfer queue
* Drag & drop support
* Configurable Speed limits
* Filename filters
* Network configuration wizard

[改版訊息] [教學]

2.2.32 版:[載點一] [載點二] [載點三]

下載連結→ [SkyDrive] [Xuite] [sendspace]
