這個月也有《Nintendo Direct mini Partner Showcase》!   Nintendo Switch新增「更改按鍵配置」功能的詳細解說!   全新《Oddworld: Soulstorm》PS5遊玩畫面公開!大膽冒險衝突更勝以往!   全球首個以電子競技為題材的「電競數碼藝術展」隆重開幕   日本唯一ASUS直營店「ASUS Store Akasaka」結束營業&出清拍賣   《Gran Turismo 7 》將在PS5登場!如同真實版賽車的預告片大公開!   和風幻想RPG-陰陽師Onmyoji與熊本熊合作活動第3彈開始了!   《Demon’s Souls》角色建立功能和拍攝模式全面曝光 

XMind 3.2.1 免安裝中文版


[2009.05.04] 3.0.3版起改包官方版的免安裝版(內建JRE)。

Are you a teacher looking to present your lesson plans? Do you want to get the word out about your product or service? Do you want your mind maps to reach people who could not make it to your talk?

XMind Portable makes it easier with its great Presentation. Launch your XMind, where you can draw a mind map or open existed maps. One click enters into Presentation mode, where your map will be shown on the full screen. You can just use Spacebar, Enter, Tab, or Arrow keys to navigate through topics. Every time a new topic is selected, it will be highlighted and positioned in the center of screen so your audience can concentrate on it.


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