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EverNote 免安裝中文版 – 跨電腦手機平台的記事本


[2011.12.17] 感謝讀者「Chao-Rong, Chiu」通知改版訊息。
[2012.04.13] 新增4.5.4.6498 中文可攜版。

EverNote Portable is an all-in-one notes organizer that enables you to keep track of notes, To-Do items, memos, sketches, website snippets, idean and other things and automatically synchronize them between multiple computers and mobile devices (iPhone, Android etc.). You can choose to sort your notes into categories, password protect them, export them to XML and more. EverNote supports several notes templates which allow you to add To-Do lists, Excel-like spread sheets for expenses (that automatically calculate a total), phone notes, contact information and shopping lists as well as handwritten notes.
The program supports HTML content, rich text and various image formats. Evernote can be installed on your computer, iPod or Android device and automatically synchronized.
Requires you to set up a free online account. The free version displays ads and has a monthly upload limit of 60mb.(Snapfiles)


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Source: azofreeware.com
