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Certified Information Security Manager, CISM

top_banner Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and Certified Information Security Manager (CISM), awarded by The International Information Systems Security Certified Consortium, ISC2, and Information Systems Audit and Control Association, ISACA, accordingly, are two internationally recognized certifications which demonstrate a very high standard on the competency of IT security managers in an all-round way, implying his or her brilliant capability in constructing, implementing, controlling and managing the operation as well as security of the information system of the whole corporation. Training will be divided into two parts, 60 hours for CISSP and 21 hours for CISM training. It is eligible for applying Continuing Education Fund (CEF). Detail at http://ipdc.informatics.edu.hk/PrmSecurity.asp?OVRAW=it%20course&OVKEY=it%20course&OVMTC=standard&OVADID=9112863541&OVKWID=65701182541

