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ALLPlayer 5.7 免安裝版 – 來自波蘭的萬用影片播放器

萬用影片播放軟體 – ALLPlayer,可以播放大多數的影音格式,支援DivX、XviD、MP3、AVI、FLV、MP4、3GP、MKV、M2TS、MPG、MPEG、RMVB、WMV、QuickTime、MOV、FLAC、APE等副檔名及格式,也支援字幕的播放,與KMPlayerPotPlayer同樣支援鍵盤左右鍵快進播放,上下鍵調整音量大小,由於是自主研發的播放器,所以不需要用到Windows Media Player的資源,特色就是開啟影片後按「F10」可以為影片加上播放密碼!還有,支援RAR壓縮檔內的影片播放,如果是分片壓縮,只要開啟「*.r01」即可播放。(阿榮)(下載

官方網站:ALLPlayer Group
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

ALLPlayer Portable is a Polish freeware media player developed by ALLPlayer.org. It was designed to allow watching videos with subtitles in a variety of formats. ALLPlayer is originated and developed by ALLCinema Ltd. Partnership. Unlike other media players, it does not use Windows Media Player to play media, but rather asks DirectX directly. In support of its aim to read all possible formats, downloadable version contains basic codecs. Most popular formats such as DivX, XviD, MP3, and AVI, FLV, MP4, 3GP, MKV, M2TS, MPG, MPEG, RMVB, WMV, QuickTime, MOV, FLAC, APE, and many more less known formats can be played thanks to codecs downloaded by the program (only ALLPlayer needs to be installed). However, many codecs are not included with the free download, and the user must pay to get them.(Wikipedia)


下載連結→ [按此下載免安裝版]

免安裝版 [5.7] [5.6] [5.4]
安裝版 [5.7] [5.6.2] [5.6.1] [5.6] [5.5] [5.4]

Source: azofreeware.com
