即將上市!人氣話題超級大作《電馭叛客2077》官方長篇預告公開!   「死亡細胞(Dead Cells)」免費任玩! Nintendo Switch Online加入者限定「試玩同樂會」開催!   《集合啦!動物森友會》冬季更新來了!終於可以遷島了!   佩里克島搶劫:12月15日於GTA線上模式隆重登場   5大要領教你掌握《Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory》的音樂   FF新作《FINAL FANTASY 16》在 「PLAYSTATION 5 SHOWCASE」發表   《決勝時刻:黑色行動冷戰》第一支劇情戰役實機遊玩影片揭露   台灣陪玩平台nicee的日本版?!陪玩Apex、League of Legends等超人氣遊戲的日本陪玩平台「GameRoom」公測開跑! 

XMind 3.4.0 免安裝中文版 – 取代FreeMind的心智圖軟體

XMind – 比FreeMind優秀的免費心智圖軟體,可以在節點中插入附件,在簡報時透過連結直接開啟附件,軟體介面華麗許多,使用上也很直覺化,測試過,可以開啟MindManager、FreeMind所繪製的心智圖檔案沒問題!(阿榮)(下載

[2009.05.04] 3.0.3版起改包官方版的免安裝版(內建JRE),中文輸入的方面,若是使用新酷音要使用0.3.4.8以上的版本,否則,用新酷音輸入完全沒反應。

Are you a teacher looking to present your lesson plans? Do you want to get the word out about your product or service? Do you want your mind maps to reach people who could not make it to your talk?

XMind Portable makes it easier with its great Presentation. Launch your XMind, where you can draw a mind map or open existed maps. One click enters into Presentation mode, where your map will be shown on the full screen. You can just use Spacebar, Enter, Tab, or Arrow keys to navigate through topics. Every time a new topic is selected, it will be highlighted and positioned in the center of screen so your audience can concentrate on it.



下載連結→ [按此下載免安裝中文版]

免安裝版 [3.4.0] [3.3.1] [3.3.0] 安裝版 [3.4.0] [3.3.1] [3.3.0]

Source: azofreeware.com
