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mHotspot 免安裝版 – 筆電網路分享軟體


筆電網路分享軟體 - mHotspot,不管是筆記型或桌上型電腦,只要有無線網路卡,就可以將電腦變成無線網路分享器!最大支援10台設備同時連線,可以列出連線的設備資料(名稱、IP、Mac位址),使用的分法很簡單:設定無線網路名稱(Hotspot Name)→設定8位數以上的連線密碼(Password)→選擇網路來源(Share From)→設定最大可連線設備數量(Max Client)。(阿榮)(下載

系統需求:Windows 8/7(32及64位元)

mHotspot : Turn your windows 7 & 8 Laptop/PC into wifi hotspot and make a virtual wifi router.
- Connect upto 10 devices to the hotspot
- You can set your own hotspot name without any restrictions
- Share any type of Internet Connection(LAN, Ethernet,3G/4G,Wifi etc)
- Android phones, ipads, PDAs, tablet-pcs and other devices can access
- See the details of the connected device(Name, Ip Address, Mac Address)
- See the network usage(Upload and Download Speed, Transfer Rates)
- Secures your wireless hotspot with WPA2 PSK password security
- Set max. number of devices that can be connected
- Extends your Wifi range & Acts as a repeater
- In-app internet selection

[2013.11.28] 本站提供的下載檔案內含Windows 7及Windows 8免安裝版,但版號標示僅以Windows 7為主。


下載連結→ [按此下載免安裝版]

Source: azofreeware.com


Disney Plus