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MyPublicWiFi 5.1 免安裝中文版 – 筆電WiFi分享軟體 免用無線網路分享器


把筆電變成無線網路基地台的軟體 - MyPublicWiFi,雖然Windows已內建無線網路分享功能,但畢竟要好多步驟又要打指令,設定起來相當麻煩!而這個小軟體非常傻瓜,也不用更改任何Windows設定就可以使用,不管筆電使用的是有線或無線網路,都可以變成熱點,然後分享給你的智慧型手機、平板電腦或其他筆電,所以,出門其實可以不用帶無線基地台了!(阿榮)(下載

系統需求:Windows 8/7/XP/2008 R2(32及64位元)

MyPublicWiFi: Turn your computer into a WiFi Access Point with Firewall and URL Tracking
MyPublicWiFi is an easy-to-use software that turns your laptop/PC into a Wi-Fi wireless access point. Anyone nearby can surf the Internet through your sharing. This is also an ideal solution for setting up a temporary Access Point in a hotel room,meeting room,at home or the like. The MyPblicWiFi-Firewall can be used to restrict user access to specific servers. You can also prevent the use of certain Internet services (e.g. file sharing programs). MyPublicWiFi allows you to record and track all visited url pages on your virtual WIFI-Hotspot.

[首次使用必讀教學] [官方載點 - 安裝版]

[2013.12.14] 感謝「Unknown」提供中文化作品。


下載連結→ [按此下載免安裝版]

中文免安裝版 [5.1]
英文免安裝版 [5.1]

Source: azofreeware.com

