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Free USB Guard 1.50 免安裝版 – USB隨身碟防丟軟體

光碟片及USB防丟工具 – Free USB Guard,你常常把USB隨身碟或光碟片遺忘在公司、學校或親友住處嗎?可以把這個免安裝軟體放置於隨身碟,插入電腦後先執行它,當電腦關機時發現USB未拔出或光碟未退出時,會被此程式攔截而暫停關機動作,當您取出設備時,可以藉由此軟體繼續關機、待命、休眠、登出、重新開機等動作,讓這個軟體隨你的電腦開機而自動執行吧!這樣就不會有人老是掉USB或光碟片了。(阿榮)(下載

[2012.05.23] 光碟片防丟偵測功能需手動勾選「CD/DVD disc left in reader/burner」,經測試無法支援外接式光碟機!內接式光碟機請讀者測試。
[2013.12.23] 1.40版起會安裝廣告軟體!請自行選擇是否安裝。

Always forget the usb flash drive attached to the work PC or friend’s house?
Always forget a disc in the dvd reader/burner?
No problem… Free USB Guard will alert you in case a flash drive (or another external drive) is attached or a disc is present in the dvd reader during the shutdown or log off process!
The shutdown / log off will be blocked allowing you to take out the flash drive or the dvd disc 🙂

下載連結→ [按此下載免安裝版]

免安裝版 [1.50] [1.30]

Source: azofreeware.com
