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Bandicam 螢幕錄影專家 中文版 – 遊戲錄影軟體 取代Fraps

遊戲錄影工具 – Bandicam,以輕巧不延遲的特性大受好評!不管是要錄製遊戲實況,或是要錄下軟體操作過程,都可以使用它來輕易完成,自行研發的壓縮技術,讓錄製出來的影片體積比其他軟體還小,輸出的影片是AVI格式,影片可以直接上傳YouTube不需再轉檔,最高可以錄製2560*1600解析度的影片。(阿榮)(下載

系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

Bandicam is the most advanced Desktop, Video and Game Screen Recorder / Capture Software on the planet.
– Bandicam can record DirectX/OpenGL programs like the Fraps (Fraps Alternative, Better than Fraps®)
– The recorded file size is much smaller than other software (Bandicam compresses the video when recording)
– You can upload the recorded file to YouTube without converting (720p/1080p full HD video can be made)
– You can record over 24 hours without stopping (Auto Complete Recording function can be used)
– You can record video at resolutions up to 2560*1600 in high quality
– You will experience much less lag than with other capture programs (It uses much lower CPU/GPU/HDD)



下載連結→ [按此下載中文安裝版]

Source: azofreeware.com
