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SoftPerfect Network Protocol Analyzer 2.9 免安裝版 – 網路封包監控分析軟體


網路封包監控分析軟體 - SoftPerfect Network Protocol Analyzer,功能類似「Wireshark」,但操作起來比較簡單,能夠監控分析本機及網際網路的連線,擷取透過撥號連線、網路卡傳輸的資料,再轉為可以辨識的形式,幫助網管人員透過流量監控來對於網路的使用狀況有更為全面的了解,解譯分析下列低階網路協定:AH、ARP、ESP、ICMP、ICMPv6、IGMP、IP、IPv6、IPX、LLC、MSG、REVARP、RIP、SAP、SER、SNAP、SPX、TCP、UDP,支援完整重建的高階協定有:HTTP、SMTP、POP、IMAP、FTP、TELNET等。(阿榮)(下載

官方網站:SoftPerfect Research
系統需求:Windows 8/7/Vista/XP(32及64位元)

SoftPerfect Network Protocol Analyzer Portable presents the results of its analysis in a convenient and easily understandable format. It can defragment and reassemble network packets into streams. The program also features full decoding and analysis of network traffic based on the following low-level Internet protocols: AH, ARP, ESP, ICMP, ICMPv6, IGMP, IP, IPv6, IPX, LLC, MSG, REVARP, RIP, SAP, SER, SNAP, SPX, TCP and UDP. It also performs full reconstruction of top-level protocols such as HTTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, FTP, TELNET and others.
- Decodes packets and displays them in an easy to read format.
- Lets you build custom packets and send them into the network.
- Works in promiscuous mode to capture all network packets.
- Offers a flexible traffic filtering system. Any filter can be inclusive or exclusive.
- Reconstructs packets into flows so you can easily see a complete data exchange of the Telnet, POP3, SMTP, IMAP, FTP, HTTP and other protocols.
- Lets you monitor loopback connections within the system.

關鍵字:SoftPerfectNetworkProtocolAnalyzerPortable, snpa


下載連結→ [按此下載免安裝版]

免安裝版 [2.9]
安裝版 [2.9]

Source: azofreeware.com


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