ATLUS × VANILLAWARE全新力作「十三機兵防衛圈」中文版於3月19日發售!   《薩爾達無雙 災厄啟示錄》最新映像公開!依蓋隊和神秘男登場!   網石全新BTS主題手機遊戲《BTS Universe Story》8月18日展開事前預約   PS5:終極問答集   『仁王2』第三波付費DLC「太初武士秘史」預定12月上架!更多『仁王』系列內容隆重登場!   《集合啦!動物森友會》「6月新娘」婚禮活動開始   Razer在新加坡免費派發口罩 #RazerForLife   Riot Games新FPS遊戲《特戰英豪VALORANT》評測 

Thank you! 亞當飯局

It was a great buffet dinner sharing with HK bloggers and thanks for hkdom’s arrangement.

This is what we called a bloggers wall which stick to the window.

As far as I can see, it got 50 people and I have not got chance to know it all. But it is great to see some familiar faces.

Here you go, people who are interesting in organizing the hkbloggercon with the photo proof.
