《Disney +》 迪士尼、Marvel、彼思、星球大戰…  世界最高峰的世界摩托車錦標賽「MotoGP21」決定發售!PS4盒裝版預約也開跑囉!   《Destruction AllStars》下一波精彩內容: 指定賽事、挑戰系列賽等更新   (香港) 影音串流平台服務「Disney+」將於11月16日起登上PS5與PS4!   「黎明死線」×「午夜凶鈴」!貞子將現身DbD!?   《Jett: The Far Shore》遊戲搶先看   節日限定優惠進駐PlayStation Store   電競設施將常駐於JR東日本松戶站,想嘗試電競的朋友不要錯過!   本田翼擔任遊戲總指揮!6個月限定遊戲《にょろっこ》正式發表! 

九巴路線搜尋 – 非常好的 Google Map 應用

Just saw a website from KMB and they actually revamp their website. Now is http://www.kmb.hk/tc/services/search.html. It is lovely that they integrate the Google map with the site and make a very good practical usage of it. It actually let you to search the bus number and show you all the bus stop between in the map. The graphical location makes it easier to use. kmb
