《Disney +》 迪士尼、Marvel、彼思、星球大戰…  《Jurassic World Evolution 2》:探索模擬管理的新時代   「CAPCOM Pro Tour Online 2021」日本大賽2將於9月18日、19日登場!   在現實世界一起去狩獵吧!USJ首個魔物獵人VR遊戲設施「Monster Hunter World:Iceborne XR WALK」明年春季登場!   「Resident Evil SHOWCASE|April 2021」釋出惡靈古堡8:村莊最新宣傳影片以及體驗版情報!   2021年就以休閒鬼太郎打頭陣!新年限定的「新年扭蛋」「2021福袋」等新年活動一齊開跑!   經營遊戲爸爸活公司「CryptoGames 株式會社」宣布將從 Animoca、Monex、Mobile Factory、double jump.tokyo 等四間公司獲得資金援助。   介紹PlayStation的新一代VR   水之呼吸流派再添兩名生力軍!「鬼滅之刃 火神血風譚」錆兔、真菰確定參戰! 

XMind 3.2.0 免安裝中文版



[2009.05.04] 3.0.3版起改包官方版的免安裝版(內建JRE)。

Are you a teacher looking to present your lesson plans? Do you want to get the word out about your product or service? Do you want your mind maps to reach people who could not make it to your talk?

XMind Portable makes it easier with its great Presentation. Launch your XMind, where you can draw a mind map or open existed maps. One click enters into Presentation mode, where your map will be shown on the full screen. You can just use Spacebar, Enter, Tab, or Arrow keys to navigate through topics. Every time a new topic is selected, it will be highlighted and positioned in the center of screen so your audience can concentrate on it.



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