Comical 1.08 免安裝版
系統需求:.NET Framework 2.0 以上版本
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Comical
Comical is a comic downloader and viewer that utilises a custom-built framework for the parsing and downloading of comics from websites. The framework uses an open XML format that allows anyone to add support for additional comics.
v1.08; 10th October, 2010.
- Added: Browsing a comic's archived strips direct from its website.
- Added: An entirely new Archive Browser.
- Added: Customised sorting.
- Added: Bookmarking, accessible via the new Archive Browser.
- Added: Catch-Up to the Comics menu.
- Added: Download All Unread to the Comics menu.
- Added: Rotate to the Edit menu.
- Added: ScheduledDownloading to the Network section in the Settings window.
- Added: UpdateCheckType to the Network section in the Settings window.
- Added: Keyboard accelerators to the main window's menu.
- Fixed: Exception when marking many comics as read.
- Fixed: Rare exception to do with drawing the categories drop-down menu.
- Other: Moved the download indicator to its own compact frame.
- Other: Improvements to the Html parsing core.
- Other: Optimisations to the archive viewing process.
- Other: Numerous minor changes.
- Other: Now requires Microsoft .NET 4.
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