不出所料?!「FINAL FANTASY VII 重製版」將延後發售   尼爾最新作《NieR Re[in]carnation》官網更新!封測確定!   《電馭叛客 2077》發售延期!   從筆刷到劍刃:《Ghost of Tsushima》的概念藝術揭密   PS5發售當日僅限網路販賣!實體店面是買不到的!   「試玩同樂會」又來囉!Nintendo Switch上免費試玩《ポッ拳 POKKÉN TOURNAMENT DX》!   「集合啦!動物森友會」的更新又來了!島民們千萬要記得更新阿!   《Returnal》將於2021年3月19日登陸PS5 

Microsoft lost USD $500,000,000 in Q4 2008

Microsoft is not very well with the online business and they lost quite a significant money for online business. That is why they keep their mind open to purphase online business previously.
