《Fall Guys》第2賽季為線上競技場帶來全新回合和中世紀亂鬥   工藝世界的重量級配樂——《Sackboy: A Big Adventure》音樂   勇者鬥惡龍主題樂園「DRAGON QUEST ISLAND 大魔王索瑪與起始之島」將於2021年春季開幕!   10月17日正式推出奇譚模式與新遊戲+   大亂鬥系列amiibo「JOKER」&「勇者」發售日確定!預購開放!   日本最大電信公司NTT東日本將設立電競公司—NTTe-Sports   詳解《黑色行動冷戰》「殭屍進擊」模式,以及PlayStation獨家內容   韓國 StudioCOIN VR教育軟件 ForumVR ,從遊戲中學習 

admob – iPhone apps 廣告

Basically, you put the advertisement code within your iPhone apps in order to generate income. So other iPhone developers can advertise on your apps.

That is weird idea if you wrote some apps to charge $0.99 which is definitely more than the advertisment money coming from the iPhone as many experts have analyzed the statistics and roughly figures they can get with this advertisement or iPhone apps money.
