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Dialupass 3.50 免安裝中文版 – 找回撥接密碼 (解壓縮密碼 azo)

ADSL、RAS、VPN 撥接密碼回復工具 - Dialupass,電腦要重灌了,撥接密碼卻忘了!怎麼想都想不起來,除了打電話給ISP之外,你可以用這個小工具,把藏到連自己都忘記的密碼給找回來。(阿榮)(下載) This utility enumerates all dialup/VPN entries on your computers, and displays their logon details: User Name, Password, and Domain. You can use it to recover a lost password of your Internet connection or VPN. Dialupass also allows you to save the dialup/VPN list into text/html/csv/xml

Source:: azofreeware.com


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