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sendspace Wizard 1.2.6 免安裝版

sendspace_2010-04-16_01 sendspace免費檔案寄存空間上傳工具–sendspace Wizardsendspace是美國老字號的檔案上傳空間,支援匿名上傳、檔案30天無人下載自動砍檔,使用此上傳工具的好處是:可以一次上傳多個檔案、輕鬆建立資料夾、支援續傳功能、依上傳時間排序,但須先註冊為會員。(阿榮 設定檔儲存路徑: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\SendSpace Wizard\ssgui_app.ini sendspace Wizard is a free desktop tool that lets you upload multiple files into your sendspace account! Using sendspace Wizard, you can: * Upload Multiple files * Resume Broken Uploads * Drag/Drop files to upload to sendspace * Send file links to others by email * Add file descriptions etc. before uploading * Manage your online files, create folders etc * Get Automatic Updates * No Advertising, No Spyware, Guaranteed! 改版訊息: -- 1.2.5 & 1.2.6 --- - Updated the refresh conditions for the transfer list to be less CPU intensive, while showing a more consistent refresh rate. - Optimized the display of operations on multiple items by only refreshing the browsers after all the operations are completed. - Added an option to limit the max lines in the log window. - Added an option to save the application log across sessions. - Added an option to allow the application to steal focus from the operating system when adding files. - Moving multiple files/folders now refreshes the destination folder accordingly when using cut/paste. - Deleting multiple files/folders is now done in a single call to the servers. - Fixed sorting by type in the local and remote browser. - Fixed a bug where a request to update information about a remote folder was sent when closing the properties dialog even when no change was made. - Fixes to drag&drop of files from the local browser when a refresh of the folder happens while we're showing the upload options sometimes causing the wrong file to be added to the list. - Fixed a bug causing the number of downloads listed in the status bar to be incorrect after expanding/collapsing a folder. - Fixed an issue where logging with a different user but canceling when we're told that the queue will be cleared saved the new login information. - Fixed a possible crash when opening a URL in internet explorer from the Wizard. - Fixed a possible crash on editing a file's properties under certain rare circumstances. - Fixed a possible crash on close when adding a new file during shutdown sequence. - Fixed a possible crash on close when threads are being discarded. - Fixed a possible crash on close when the transfer list is being saved. - Fixed a possible crash on close when interacting with the transfer list on shutdown. - Upgrades to the build system to update the libsendspace version to 1.3, which includes fixes to improve transfer reliability. - Fixed several misc. bugs and improved stability. 下載連結→ [訊6] [Xuite] [NeoUpload] [sendspace] SHA1:9d5e354bcfea4e6e38894d1e9b3e3f608999c090 Source
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